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Author Topic: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*  (Read 44580 times)


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #90 on: November 28, 2010, 01:12:54 AM »
« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2007, 10:28:49 PM »   

I hope you all enjoyed the show tonight!

I'll see you again tomorrow night!


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #91 on: November 28, 2010, 01:13:34 AM »
« Reply #91 on: November 29, 2007, 10:29:26 PM »   

 from: PHILLYLUVSCLAY on November 29, 2007, 10:28:08 PM


Thanks!  I appreciate your help also!   


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #92 on: November 28, 2010, 01:14:52 AM »
« Reply #92 on: November 29, 2007, 10:30:08 PM »   

Thanks Heather for your great updates.  Thank you Philly too. Sounded like another wonderful concert and I'm so happy for Marilyn again reading her story.   And Yeah for clack!


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #93 on: November 28, 2010, 01:15:25 AM »
« Reply #93 on: November 29, 2007, 10:30:42 PM »   


Heather & Philly - Many thanks for bringing the cellcert to us tonight.  Sounds like Clay did an another awesome job tonight.

See you all back here tomorrow night for Clay's birthday.

Have a great day tomorrow.


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #94 on: November 28, 2010, 01:16:19 AM »
ANN News Team

« Reply #94 on: November 29, 2007, 10:33:11 PM »   

thanks, Heather and Philly   


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #95 on: November 28, 2010, 01:17:24 AM »
« Reply #95 on: November 29, 2007, 10:36:39 PM »   


From the CV certer:
He came out just before All Is Well and acted like he was cracking his knuckles.
Great concert.

Looked so good. Hair looks lighter in general.
Never been so affected by something. She is still shaking.
The lighting guy lit Clay up with bright light on the last note and then all kinds of lights landed on the mic after Clay had walked away. Just genius. I've got goosebumps.

People are walking out crying. People have their mouths hanging open. It was that powerful!!!
It was amazing!!! 


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #96 on: November 28, 2010, 01:18:32 AM »
« Reply #96 on: November 29, 2007, 11:58:26 PM »   

 Hey all!  What an amazing concert!!  Wow.  The only downside is the camera nazi's were out in full force and unfortunately we were on the aisle right by them.  I managed to get only 6 pics at the very beginning before they started.  Here are a couple of them.



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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #97 on: November 28, 2010, 01:19:47 AM »
« Reply #97 on: November 30, 2007, 12:29:43 AM »   

Here are the other 4....   ;D



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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #98 on: November 28, 2010, 01:21:20 AM »
« Reply #98 on: November 30, 2007, 06:17:25 AM »   

Angela, you may have only gotten six pictures, but they're winners!  Just breathtaking!  Looks like his hair is getting longer.  Maybe he's growing it for Spamalot........please, God!   


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #99 on: November 28, 2010, 01:22:28 AM »
ANN News Team
« Reply #99 on: November 30, 2007, 07:30:09 AM »   

Clandy - six of your pictures are worth more than 100 of someone else's! (I am talking about Me here!  :laugh:  )         They are beautiful!!!!!


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #100 on: November 28, 2010, 01:23:45 AM »
« Reply #100 on: November 30, 2007, 08:50:05 AM »   





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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #101 on: November 28, 2010, 01:26:05 AM »

Posts: 1,292

Always have faith, and there will be a way.

     Re: Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us!*
« Reply #101 on: December 03, 2007, 04:56:38 AM »   

I just was able to read the cell cert, it bought back memories!   I'm so proud to say I was apart of that loud audience!   That was such an amazing night, I only hope Clay comes back here again after there being so many empty seats,  ::)  I can't imagine why, maybe people bought tickets and couldn't attend? They were on sale since June.
Frankie, it was disappointing to not get many pictures, (and have my camera taken away!) but with the dispossable one I was using I doubt the few I took turned out, I won't know until I get them developed.   
I'm so glad there's clack, I hope I'm able to see some of it!   And Clandy thank you for those pictures, they're beautiful, I'm sure much better then the 6 I was able to take at the beginning of the show! It was so nice meeting you. 
And Fran and Thea, it really made my night even more special having the opportunity to meet you both.   
And Marilyn I didn't know that was you up there! If I had know it would've made hearing your memory even more special! You are so lucky!
I posted my recap in my blog, the link to it is in my profile, it's long though!   


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Re: Nov. 29, 2007-Cellcert: Genesee Theatre - Waukegan, IL *come join us*
« Reply #102 on: November 28, 2010, 01:31:56 AM »
« Reply #102 on: December 03, 2007, 06:38:35 AM »   

I bought my recap over on Frankie's suggestion,   so everyone who wants to read it doesn't have to go looking for it.   ;D

Cue the music: "Heaven, I'm in Heaven, so much so that I can hardly see...:

November 29th, 2007, has so far been the most incredible, amazing, best night of my life to date! I floated home with a big silly grin on my face, and am still on Cloud 9.

But I'll start at the beginning. First of all I always get so nervous before a Clay concert, I can't really explain why, maybe it's the anticipation, (2 years worth actually! I hadn't had the opportunity to see Clay live since the Joyful Noise Tour '05!) or the excitement, or the fact that large crowds aren't really my thing, maybe it was that this would be the first time I'd be sitting alone, or just the thought of being in the same room as Clay, but I was such a nervous wreck, I hardly got any sleep the day of the concert. Rewind back to 2006, I was supposed to see Clay's JNT at the Genesee Theatre then too, of course that was the day of the first major snowstorm of the year, and my mom, afraid we would be stranded, canceled the car service we had hired, and I was forced to miss my chance to see Clay.

 Then when his summer tour rolled around this summer, there wasn't an Illinois date to be found on the schedule. Again I missed out on the fun of seeing Clay live. So when tickets went on sale in June, for Clay coming back to the Genesee Theatre, I jumped at the chance to get tickets. I made sure I was online the very minute tickets went on pre-sale,...and got stuck with the worst imaginable seats, Row FF, all the way at the very back of the theatre. But I wasn't going to let that dampen my spirits, and the countdown began. I prayed every day that the weather would be clear, and not turn into an instant replay of last year. I bought a new outfit, all of which, shirt, jacket and pants, had to be hemmed, which I did by hand, something I'd never done before and had no knowledge of, so I'm proud to say they all came out looking pretty good!

Then around October, I started to grow dissatisfied with my lousy seats, talking with my friend Fran, (franniek54) I found out she had seats in Row Q for sale, so I thought, if I sold my seats, I could buy hers and be about 15 rows closer. While I waited to sell mine, I looked at Fran's ticket listing on, and some of the other seats that were listed there. A row A, (Front Row,) seat caught my eye, but never having dealt with stubhub before, I wasn't sure if they could be trusted. Again I talked to Fran, and she was kind enough to explain how everything would work, and that she had gotten excellent seats for the upcoming concert at the Genesee through them, and told me she trusted them. If it hadn't been for her, I would've never given stubhub a try. But by then it was to late anyway, while I had still been deciding, someone else had snatched up the ticket. I was miserable. I told my amazing mom what had happened, and later that same day, she went on stubhub and found me another front row seat, when she told me I was literally speechless. I still needed a copy of the conformation email to take with me along with the ticket, just in case, and again Fran helped me out by printing out and sending me the email, since I don't have a printer of my own, it turned out I didn't need it after all, but having it with me was a big relief and weight off my mind. Now the day of, I was nervous for all the reasons I mentioned before, and a little sad I hadn't won a Meet & Greet, and the chance to read a Christmas memory on stage with Clay, but then again I hadn't really expected to win those.

Anyway, I couldn't sleep, let's see, I was awake for an hour at 2:00am, back up at 3:30, up for another hour at 6:00, and on and off until I gave up and got up at 9:30am. I tried to eat something small, I was too nervous to eat much, while my mom showered and started getting ready. I washed my hair and showered at 1:30pm, and then followed a series of paniced moments where there was a huge spider in the closet above our clothes, and in the middle of trying to do my makeup, it was suddenly "Go Time" on the closet, ripping it apart in the hunt! Then my mom lost her glasses, and I couldn't get my hair to look right, I was attempting an up-do that my long hair wouldn't cooperate with, and I finally settled on wearing it down with the top half held back with a jewel clip. We finally got out the door, just in time to greet our driver from the car service, who had come looking for us, around 5:15pm. Now I hate long car rides, and this was no exception, I was hot with my coat on and didn't have the guts to tell the driver to turn down the heat, I even had to pull off my earrings, (and hurriedly put them back on when we arrived,) because they were pinching so much. Plus I went a little over board with my Vera Wang Princess perfume, which I didn't mean to do, and it was really cookin' in that hot in closed space! It's a chocolate scent and my mom said it was like riding with "Bon Bon Le Chocolate"! (Cagney & Lacey fans will get the joke if they remember the character!)

We finally got there and asked the driver to let us out a little down the street from the theatre, (I needed air!) and I saw a car that had, "My heart is Aiken" painted on the back window, and I knew the Clay fans were near! So we get out of the car, and these two guys walking down the street say, "Whoa, I didn't know they have curbside service like that here." I seriously hope that wasn't meant for us, but it sure sounded like it was. So as we were walking I got a picture of the marque sign that said, "Clay Aiken 7:30pm" and saw a couple other girls doing the same thing with their camera phones. We go in, find the merchandise table, and I got a poster, They had scarfs and hats too, but I wasn't interested in those, I'll take a picture of Clay over just his name on a scarf anyday.

We had our tickets scanned, my front row one was real and valid! And made our way to the bathrooms. While we waited for the doors to open to the seating area, I flipped through the free program they had, (with a picture of Clay inside!) and we admired the decorated Christmas trees in the lobby. Nobody checked our purses, the false bottom I had sewed into my purse to conceal my camera was a waste of time, I probably could've snuck in a whole camcorder if I tried! Finally the doors opened and we found our seats, mine right in front of the stage, and my mom's, way in the back. We had three seats back there, one for me and her, and one to hold coats and purses, when I got my front row seat, I tried to sell two of them but never had any takers. I then tried to look for Fran and Clandy, (ILClaymate) we had exchanged seat numbers which I wrote down, and then lost, (!) I know I put it in my purse, but it just disappeared! So I tried looking for them anywhere I could in the fourth row, from the picture Fran sent me, but was forced to give up, and hoped Fran would find me instead.(She later said she and Clandy had arrived late, maybe that was why I couldn't find them!) Then I was just people watching as the theatre started to fill up, (I kept looking up whenever I heard someone say they were looking for someone!) and saw Thea (claydevotee), (I didn't know it was her at the time,) having a little trouble finding her seat. By now I wasn't nervous about sitting alone anymore, and was anxious for the show to start.

Finally the curtain raised and I was amazed to see Clay so close! I didn't need my binoculars, I could see Clay's beautiful face perfectly, that smile, that perfect nose, those beautiful eyes and perfect hair, he looked like an angel standing up there in his long coat. Quiana and Angela looked stunning as well, and the only drawback I could see to being so close, was that I was right near the speakers and felt a little deaf when Clay hit those glory notes! But he was in perfect voice that night, and made us all laugh with his banter of how he tries to be "classy" for these Christmas shows and it wasn't very classy to start one of his songs a little to fast, and another too late! I only wish he'd talked a bit more.  He told us how we should look around at the audience because four of them would be reading Christmas memories that night, and this was like a Christmas card from us to us, and I did think he did a good job with the memories he picked to be read, one made me laugh and the others were touching, and they tied into the songs well.

I also tried to take pictures, not many because I just wanted to enjoy the show, and I wasn't using flash, just in case the flash came on in my purse by accident, I put a piece of tape over the flash so it wouldn't bother Clay, and after I snapped a picture, (she must have seen me hold up the camera,) I see a security lady coming toward me, and thought, "Oh God", and hid my camera back in my purse, (snapping a picture of the inside of my purse in the process!) And she came right over and said,"Ma'am, I'm going to have to confiscate your camera," I was a little taken aback by that, and stalled a bit hoping she'd go away, (it didn't work.) I had two disposable cameras I was using, one had a few pictures I had taken earlier that I didn't want to lose if I never got it back, so I gave her what I hoped was the right camera. I guess I should've expected that, an announcement was made right at the beginning of the show that pictures were strictly prohibited, and every time a flash went off, you could see security like, : "Swarm! Swarm!" right to them, I hope someone was able to get some clack. 

All the way to intermission I worried if I had giving away the right camera, turns out I had, and a few minutes into intermission, she came over and asked if I was the one who's camera she's taken, and when I said yes, she gave it back, I apologized and pointed out how I'd covered the flash, and she was nice about it and said if it was up to her, she'd let people take pictures, and said it was Clay's suggestion to stop the pictures and said I wouldn't want to be the cause of blinding him with a flash and causing him to fall and break a leg, now would I? Which I found hard to believe since clay has said before that he knows how important our clack is to us. I did see a woman go right up to the security lady's face and fight with her about why she couldn't take pictures and I thought, "Whoa, at least I didn't act like that!" And this 10 yr. old boy, who had a camera himself, mind you, was ratting people out! I saw him point to a lady and say, "It was her, it was her!", until security made her empty her purse to prove she didn't have a camera, it was pretty sad, especially since she wasn't taking pictures.

 Then I saw another woman go up to Thea and say her name, and I thought, "As soon as they're done talking, I'm going to introduce myself," because Thea and I had said we'd look for each other, but I didn't know where to find her, and now I had! But just then I saw Fran, (I recognized her from her picture,) checking the seats in the front row, looking for me! I was so happy to see her, I had been afraid we'd miss our chance to meet! I think Fran may have pointed me out to Thea, because I remember her then taking both my hands in hers and saying, "Oh sweetie! You're Kelly! Your posts are always so sweet and you're as sweet and beautiful as I thought you'd be." That was the nicest, sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, and I was so flattered, and it meant so much to me. And then Clandy came over and I was able to meet her too! Ladies if you read this, it was such a pleasure meeting you three! I've read how the fans meet each other, and it's always sounded so fun and exciting, and I was thrilled to experience that and to finally meet you all. I've wanted to meet you Thea, since we talked during the American Idol viewing parties earlier this year, and you Clandy, since you helped me with my first avatar, and you Fran, since we started talking during the making of the claymaniacs cookbook. Meeting you girls added to how special my night was, and my recap wouldn't be the same without mentioning you all. Please excuse me for not standing up, my chair was digging into my back, and I wasn't able to move! 

I only wish we'd had the chance to say goodbye! We were all so wrapped up in the night, I think we forgot too, everyone just drifted away!  Then it was time for the second half, I think it was during "My Grown Up Christmas List" that I really let Clay's voice wash over me and wrap around me, and I had to work had to not cry at how magical everything, like seeing Clay so close, was. I remember he told us to rest our hands a bit, we were clapping so hard, when he thanked everyone on stage, and told us his challenge for us in 2008 is to not save it all for Christmas day, and then the glory notes in DSIAFCD were breathtaking, (when I finally was able to stand to give him a standing ovation,) and is All is Well also, (the song I was most excited to hear him sing live, and when I really let lose with the pictures!)

 I only wish it had lasted longer, it seemed to go much too fast and end much earlier then I expected, but that's probably because I didn't want the night to end. Then I found my mom and visited the bathroom once more while she tried to get in touch with the car service to have then pick us up sooner since the car wasn't supposed to come for another hour and people were already leaving. Then my mom took a picture of me by one of the Christmas trees to send to my friend Candace, (christiangirl7771) so she can finally see who she's been talking too for the past year. (Candace, I wore the ring you sent me, so I had a part of you there with me!) And we went outside since they were closing the doors, and my mom took a picture of me under the marque sign. Then we started to get really nervous because this guy in a blue car kept circling around to drive past us, and luckily this nice man, I didn't catch his name, but he worked for the theatre, asked if we were waiting for a ride, and let us back inside to wait. I want to thank him so much because he probably kept us safe, as that guy drove past again leaning out of his window toward us this time, the nice man even noticed him doing that, and that he had Wisconsin plates.

Then he told us how he's enjoyed working at the Genesee Theatre for 38 years, since the 70's, and meeting nice people like us, and how it was almost torn down, and how his wife says, "What is it with you and that old theatre?"  And he told us just how bad that snowstorm was last year, and how people were stranded like my mother feared we would've been. And he also said into his headset, "I believe he's still out back." I wondered if he meant Clay. And I saw the woman packing up the leftover merchandise, and I heard her call, "Mary you can come up and count now." My heart skipped a beat, Mary, as in Mary Clay's tour manager Mary? She was coming to collect the money from the merchandise that sold? She came up and smiled at me on her way to the table, and it was her! I asked the nice man, "Do you know if that's Clay Aiken's tour manager, Mary?" He didn't hear me, so I repeated it, and he said, "It could be." I thought, "Well, that's a noncommittal answer", and my mom suggested I go over there, since I had gotten Clay a prayer plaque as a birthday gift in hopes of giving it to him somehow, and give it to her, and the nice man asked us to please stay over by him, and then I really knew it was her!

 He then went on to say how last year they got some weird stalkerish type gifts for Clay and this year they were told not to accept any gifts. So it was sad I couldn't get it to Clay, I think that would've been really special, but I'm happy to know Clay's safety is being looked after properly, and I was still excited to see Mary! Then our ride finally came and the nice man made sure we were safely in the car. I wondered if I could've had the chance to stand in the hand shake line since we waited for the car for so long anyway, but after reading Clay didn't shake hands that night, and with that guy who kept driving past, it's best we didn't chance it.

 We got home around 11:15pm, I had a big bowl of my mom's Homemade for dinner, (the recipe is in the claymaniacs cookbook!), watched Survivor on tape, fell asleep in my kitchen chair for a bit, and stayed up the rest of he night writing this very long and detailed recap. If you managed to get through the whole thing, I hope you enjoyed it! It was such an amazing night, and I felt so happy, my mom said I was actually glowing! Other tidbits I remember are, my mom was offered a better sear in Row M, from a nice fan who didn't have anyone to use her extra ticket, but my mom was happy where she was. And a couple also became engaged that night, my mom saw the bride-to-be excitedly showing off her new engagement ring. And I overheard a lady discussing her M&G, how she asked Clay if he likes Monet, and he said she wasn't going to get a good answer, so she picked another question, and how he said he'd answer everyone else's question but hers, because she was bossy!

The concert wasn't as full as I'd like to have seen, I'm wondering if people bought tickets and couldn't make it? I just hope Clay comes around next time, I can't stop thinking when I'll get to have a night like that again. ~Kelly~
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