Assistant Webmaster
« on: June 13, 2007, 11:03:26 PM

From CB:
I just talked to the Morris Auditorium in South Bend, IN and was told that Clay will have a Christmas concert there on November 28th. They don't know how much tickets will be yet because the concert was just confirmed today. The box office manager said they would know in about a week and were looking forward to getting them up for sale quickly. I told her I didn't have any doubts that this concert would be sold out and to get their ordering system ready. She just laughed and said there should be no problem. (yeah! right) They have no idea do they? The website address is She said I could get the message out so get excited Indiana cause he's coming back!!!!!
Morris CenterVenue website: MORRISCENTER.ORGTickets: TICKETFORCE.COMPrice: Pit $82.00, Main Floor and 1st balcony $67.00, 2nd & 3rd Balcony $ 52.00.
On Sale: The Morris pre sale and Clay’s Fan Club presale are on Friday the 14th and the public sale starts Saturday the 15th.
Seating chart: (click)
Capacity: 2560
Address: 211 N Michigan Street South Bend, IN 46601
Phone Numbers:
Toll Free Number
Emergency Event Line
Note: South Bend, Indiana is on Eastern Standard Time
South Bend Maniacs