ANN News Team
« Reply #182 on: December 01, 2007, 01:38:57 PM »
I have put a few Clay Photos from Wichita in the Thread that Franniek54 began yesterday, and I have sent Clandy the link to add others to the Photo Gallery, but I have a few more non-Clay photos from Wichita - thought Prissy and Meesa may want to copy them later:

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Me, Prissy, and Shirl/ClayObsessed standing outside in the not-a-bus-line line! :wink

A photo of Shirl to show how close she was sitting to the stage (she is wearing a green shirt) - the Lighting Director had a member of the crew (or the Church?) stand in Clay's spot before the concert to get the lighting right. I stood up and took this from my seat, so I was pretty close myself!

Another shot of Prissy and the basket of Clay items she won at the Preparty

Three shots of the PreParty - the sign-in table, a shot of the room, and a shot of the table where you could just buy Clay items (there were also silent auction and raffle tables). I bought a 2008 calendar - now I won't have to make one as I did last year! :clap

Jerome walking Durham at the hotel - Lewis took this one (he walkes several miles a day and saw Jerome as he was coming back to our room). He forgot to use the zoom! :lol

Clay's bus - one of two on this Tour