JNT COSTA MESA - The girl in the wheelchair
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2004, 01:34:22 AM »
That moment with the girl/woman in the wheelchair was a moment I will never forget. We were sitting in row N, slightly left of the stage. Clay began singing "What Are You Doing New Years Eve?" in his old flirty, sexual, come-hither style, which the udience certainly responded to, but he kept walking, slowly to stage right, as he sang, then continued down the stairs to audience level. As he came closer, the audience began to respond to his being so close. The music continued, and he moved to the first girl sitting on the aisle. He leaned down and sang a bit to her, then moved on to the next aisle seat, still singing. The girl looked up at him, and he bent down slightly, and suddenly his arm was around her body, and he lifted her. That's when we saw her wheelchair, and the audience began to ooh and aah. and sighing and calling out. Then the girl raised her arms to his shoulders and he slow danced with her, smiling and talking to her. She was smiling too and I could see her replying to him. And then, suddenly he was back with the song, and very gently lowered her into her chair. The audience went wild!
It was the single most beautiful thing that I'd seen in a very long time.