Chatting to the crowd about lightsGuess someone just walked in-he said hello, come on in.He asked if someone was on a laptop she said no-she is uploading a video- Clay said "WHAT???"" "SHUT THE F UP" (he did NOT say the word)
I think GA had something to do with it. The tickets I bought were from the PBS station and there were a limited number sold with guaranteed early admission, which we got.Another thing I know for sure is that a place can be flooded without rising water. When I went to work Monday morning our front office was flooded again--second time in three years--and it was bad enough to have to get Serv Pro to come pump the water out and they left huge fans on in the area for 24 hours. Another thing know is that Memphis had much more rain over the weekend than we did in Wilson.Like I said, there are so many reasons and we don't have any idea which one is right. And you are right, why make Clay feel any worse than he does--it's not going to bring back the show.
He mentioned that about the Johnny Depp thing the other night and if he listened to all his old songs more often then it would be easier to remember the lyrics.