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Author Topic: MINNEAPOLIS, MN-STATE THEATER 03/05/2011  (Read 42102 times)


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« Reply #90 on: March 06, 2011, 02:14:34 AM »
Hi Invisible Touch, I remember you. Thanks for your recap. Sounded great.


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« Reply #91 on: March 06, 2011, 02:14:53 AM »

Clay was AMAZING!!!!!! I may have mentioned the last album hasn't been a favorite. Infact, after buying all the version of "On My Way Here" possible - I only downloaded T&T from iTunes & 4 songs made it to my iPod. BUTTTT - this show is wonderful. I have never heard Clay sound better - his vocals are incredible, amazing - better than ever. I wish getting older looked as good on me as it does on him. Quiana is amazing and beautiful - she seems like someone who would be a great friend to have.

He did a very good job putting the set for this show together. The opening number works perfectly (even if it does remind me a bit of Phantom of the opera during the musical introduction). There were only a few songs I found myself wandering a bit on, but the rest of the show was so much fun (Hawaii and Christian Rap Clay are must see), warm, intimate and beautiful. I finally understand why everyone raved over UM. You have to hear it live to really appreciate the nuances - even in the rollercoaster note. He sang the crap out of it tonight! I thought just having 1 song for the end was perfect. I didn't miss a 2nd one. For some reason the songs sound more modern on this tour than they did on the album.

I did snicker at one point when he patted his sweater down across his stomach before launching into the next song. That photo must have really got to him - he didn't even have a tie on.

I almost skipped this tour and I am so glad I didn't. I know Clay says he is not quiting, but I can't help get the feeling he was saying goodbye tonight. Not sure if that is just touring etc. It was just the vibe I got - but could be completely wrong. He might not understand us, but I think it is sweet he appreciates us.

This is one happening downtown! Wish our city was this active.

A very sweet fan gave me my wonderful seat in row B when I started looking mid last week. When I mentioned to the person in front of me that I just started looking for tickets this week she wanted to know how in the world I got that ticket. I said Clay's has wonderful fans. Someone saw i was trying to decide whether to go or not and they offered me the extra ticket. She was floored - in a good way. It was that kindness that finally got me on the road.



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« Reply #92 on: March 06, 2011, 09:16:37 PM »

My 'official' recap from the Minneapolis concert last night:


The Clay Aiken “Tried And True Tour” came to Minneapolis, Minnesota last night; and as I expected he would, Clay knocked me back in my seat with his powerful vocals, touched my heart with his beautiful interpretive skills as a vocalist and artist; and, he made me laugh harder than I have in a long time.

This was my 4th Clay Aiken concert. As a ‘newer fan,’ I missed out on the AI2 Tour, the Independent, Solo, JBT and SRHP tours along with all of Clay’s Christmas tours. I read about said tours and I had watched hundreds of video clips of them; but I knew it wasn’t the same thing as actually experiencing a live solo Clay Aiken concert. For however fantastic our Clackers are (and they Are fantastic,) it is impossible to capture the full and complete ‘essence of Clay’ on film.

The audience was diverse and ranged in age from 10 to 80+ years old. The concert started a few minutes late. It’s a good thing that such was the case though because folks were still entering the theatre just as the lights went down and the VOX began.

I had viewed enough Clack to know that as soon as Clay hit the word “hello” in the song “Where Do I Begin,” that the spotlight would appear to highlight the solitary figure on the stage and signal the start of a wonderful evening with Clay Aiken. Still, ‘knowing’ it and ‘experiencing’ it are two completely different things. From darkness to light, from quiet murmurings to thunderous applause, the moment was Clay’s and the moment was ours. It was a thing of sheer beauty. And lest people think that I am just being ‘fangurly’ in my poetic waxing, my DH who is a big, burly, ‘macho’ truck driver, had the exact same reaction as I did along with everyone else in the audience.

I won’t do a ‘play by play’ of the concert as I would then be turning my recap into one of my infamous ‘books.’ Suffice to say, that Clay owned the stage and the audience. He was captivating, he was funny, he was beautiful, he was snarky. A highlight for me personally, was to see the concert from the vantage point of a 7th row seat. It’s the closest I’ve physically gotten to ‘meeting’ Clay and it very much felt like I was at home in my living room spending a wonderful evening with an Outrageously talented and comedic friend.

And as Clay himself once mentioned during a Q&A, Quiana Parler is/was his best kept secret. Like Clay, Quiana has terrific comedic timing. I don’t know that any of us has ever seen a funnier ‘take’ on “Who’s Sorry Now,” than that which Quiana demonstrated during her rendition of the song, ‘Hawaiian’ style. Quiana’s vocals on “A Foggy Day In London Town,” and “Cry Me A River” were saucy, sultry, and smooth.

All too soon the concert ended. After his drop-dead Gorgeous performance of “Unchained Melody,” Clay talked for a bit about his career post-Idol; and about how much he appreciates his fans’ dedication. He then performed a beautiful rendition of “In My Life,” ended the song, flashed us one of his best Clay Aiken smiles, bowed and quietly left the stage.

As the music ended and the lights came up, we in the audience knew that we had just experienced the very best entertainer and vocalist on the planet today. The ‘essence of Clay’ in all of his wonderful glory left the stage at the State Theatre in Minneapolis, Minnesota on March 5, 2011; and, he left us with a lifetime memory.

Thank you Clay Aiken for Being Clay Aiken.

Favorite performances of the night were: “Where Do I Begin,” “Build Me Up Buttercup,” “Suspicious Minds,” and always, “Unchained Melody.”

And my 'unofficial recap' is:

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. *g* 7th row center stage where Clay planted himself for much of the night. "Where Do I Begin, Love Story Theme" truly is an incredible performance. First thought I had after Clay finished it was: "OMG, that man has the brightest, most beautiful eyes I have Ever seen in my life. Clay was gorgeous, witty, snarky, silly, beautiful and Amazing.

DH is a Clay fan; but I was surprised by how much even he got into the concert. If you listen to my audio and hear a loud, thunderous clap after every performance, that was DH.

Wonderful concert and I finally met Scarlett. We managed to get lost in the parking lot of all places so we didn't get back home until close to 1:00 a.m. It was a quiet ride home. When I asked DH if he wanted to listen to the radio he said: "You've got your I pod with you with 20 something performances of Clay's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on it, don't you?" "Yes," I replied. "What do you say you plug it into the cassette do-higgy there and we listen to all 20 of them. I'd really like that." "Sure," I said and so we did.


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« Reply #93 on: March 06, 2011, 09:27:06 PM »
'We' (Scarlett and I) spent the night and most of the day getting it done.

The following link is Scarlett's full concert capture of the Minneapolis concert in a Play List at You Tube:

The Play List begins with "Where Do I Begin" and ends with "In My Life." It is in sequence.

Individual links as follows:

Where Do I Begin:

Mack The Knife:

Opening Show Banter:

There's A Kind Of Hush:

You Don't Have To Say You Love Me:

What Kind Of Fool Am I:

Pre-Jazzy Banter:

Jazzy Medley:

Post-Jazzy Medley Banter:

Something About Us:

Pre-A Foggy Day In London Town Banter:

A Foggy Day In London Town:

Pre-Auto-Tuning Banter:

Auto Tune - Only Girl:

Post-Auto Tune Banter:

Suspicious Minds:

Build Me Up Buttercup:

Moon River:

It's Impossible:

Pre-"Who's Sorry Now" Banter:

Who's Sorry Now - Bollywood:

Who's Sorry Now - Yodeling:

Who's Sorry Now - Christian Rap:

Who's Sorry Now - Hawaiian Style:

It's Only Make Believe:

Can't Take My Eyes Off You:

Pre-Cry Me A River Banter:

Cry Me A River:


Band Intros:

Unchained Melody:

Fan Dedication Banter:

In My Life:

All links can travel.



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« Reply #94 on: March 07, 2011, 08:30:12 PM »

Recap from Saturday nights concert in Mpls. This was my one and only for this tour, which believe me is unusual. This darn economy. Anyway I knew what to expect for the show as I was unable to remain a concert virgin, because of how long before my show was.

I loved it LIVE, even more! I've said it before and I'll say it again, there IS nothing like being there. Love Story from day one was my new favorite, even there were some vocal issues, I knew it would be a gem, and I was right. The power of his voice on that song just cuts right through you. It's really hard to explain.

I did get one of my favs from the cd Saturday night, "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me". I had to video that one. Other favs of the night, "Mack The Knife", "It's Only Make Believe", "Something About Us", and of course all the banter. I did get video of a few other things and I will load them when I get the chance.

He looked wonderful. I loved being that close to him. That hasn't happened in a long time. :grin:

And a huge thank you to Rrknrllmom for the great tickets we got, and allowing my 16 year old DS to come to the show along with my DD. My DS really enjoyed the show. Even though he's totally into hip hop, r&b, and rap. He did enjoy Clay's singing and he thinks he's really very funny. He wants to see another concert. So that was nice to hear.

I sat with a fellow CB fan CA4CA2, we totally enjoyed our Pit 2 seats, thank you Rck! He was over on side so much.

I wish I was able to go another show. One is never enough. We joked last night about going to SF or Dallas.

I dropped my travel buddies Dhl7777 and Jaysue off at the airport an hour ago and it's always so sad when we have to leave and go back to real life.We did go to the mall yesterday and we ran into Mary, Adam, and Quiana at Macy's. So that was pretty cool. We said hi and thanked them for a great show.

I love spending time with people who appreciate Clay's talent.


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« Reply #95 on: March 07, 2011, 08:36:41 PM »

Now for my quickie recap of Minneapolis. I will leave out the multiple trips to yarn stores, even though the time spent with my sister knitting and talking about knitting was a major part of the fun I had.

As some of you may remember, I wasn't planning to go to this concert. It had crossed my mind when the dates were announced -- mixing sisterly knitting with a concert -- but I decided not to go because I have to be in Minneapolis at the end of April for a knitting convention and because there were two shows close enough for driving instead of flying. But nothing visible on the horizon except the Gala for the rest of the year combined with how much I enjoyed my first two concerts got me thinking. A $10 RT plane ticket (with miles) pushed me out of the door.

Thankful did some ticket magic and I was in the second row of the pit on the right side, where he spent a good deal of the evening. Scarlett was on my right, and there was a cute little ten year old boy right in front of us -- I knew that would attract Clay's attention. We were so close that it was almost hard to do video or pictures and that was just fine. I decided to watch most of the concert. I hadn't been that close to him while he's on stage in a long time. He looked beautiful. He sounded great. That's my recap!

My sister was in the fourth row center, but Toni moved her up to the second row and then moved someone else down to her seat. I was curious to hear her reaction, especially to Where Do I Begin. Well, that was a bit of a disaster. I don't know if others have recapped this or not. Sis was in the third seat from the aisle, chatting with Clay fans. (They might have even thought she was part of the cult b/c I have taken her to a lot of shows over the years, including Spamalot and the PBS taping. For her, they are just fun road trips. She likes Clay, but wouldn't go on her own.) They "bonded." The lights went down. Clay started singing. Partway through the first song, an usher came down the aisle and started shining her flashlight and asking to see tickets b/c the woman next to my sister had apparently taken the seat of someone who came in late. The usher wanted everyone on the other side of my sister to move down one seat. Well, since the people at the far end of the row didn't know they had to move, no one could move over. You have to have an empty seat to do that. So then the usher went to the other side. Eventually they all moved, and this woman climbed over my sister and sat down. At this point, he was almost finished with "Mack The Knife". It ruined the first two songs; my sister didn't even know what he had sung. So much for getting a NJU reaction.

My sister was already unhappy with this woman for coming in late and making her new "friends" move down, but that was just the beginning. This woman -- who came in late -- got up THREE TIMES during the concert and climbed over everybody to get out and then come back in. Lordie.

My sister said that the concert was so casual and laid back it almost felt like a rehearsal. She really thought Quiana had a great voice; she didn't remember her from the many other concerts. She thought that some of the songs Clay sang were wonderful -- that his voice was just perfect for them. But she didn't remember which ones when I asked.

It was fun to see a lot of familiar faces but I know there were people there whom I wanted to meet and didn't (e.g., Leroy). Le sigh. He looked really good that night. In case I forgot to say that. (I noticed the threads on his jeans, too.)


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« Reply #96 on: March 08, 2011, 08:16:26 PM »
From Claygary from CV


My Minneaplis M&G recap:

First of all, a memory is not 100%, particularly in the fog! So if anyone remembers this differently, or wackyjackie if I've gotten this wrong somehow, please do jump in!

We got Mr. Large and IN Charge Aiken! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
I think he may have been a little stressed by the Memphis cancellation, but in any case he was very businesslike. We were taken into the theatre by Jerome (names checked, in line in the order of our names, then Jerome led us in like a parade of ducklings (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) and sat us in order in one of the rows). Clay came striding out onto the stage, came toward the edge and then realized that a set of steps which had been there earlier in the day, I guess...were there no longer. It was about a 6-7 foot drop down to the floor. You could see him think about it...and then Jerome went and got a chair and Clay used it as a step down.

I was at the end of the original line, so nearest the aisle in the theatre; he came straight over to me and asked my name (which I remembered!!) and then went down the line to everyone else...then came back and asked where we were from. He repeats your name, and your location (obviously a memory tool) and remarked that our group had someone from almost everywhere in the country.

Then he asked us to get our stuff to be signed ready (Jerome had given us sticky notes to put our names on) and said we could ask him anything we wanted. No restrictions.
cablegirl started it off by asking him if he was excited about the new Ipad2...which he said he was, and they needed someone to stand in line for them on day of release LOL.
She started to ask him about a game? or app? on the Ipad, which he said he didn't know...and then he said he was happy to talk technology, but did we really want to "waste our time" on that...

Someone (sorry, don't know who) asked him what was on his Ipod and what music he was into....he said he is NOT a "music guy"; he doesn't download music, he doesn't buy CDs!!
He's just totally a news junkie! (his words)

LauraQ asked him about the range of his and Quiana's voices, which he didn't know...and did answer later in the concert when Ben was able to somewhat determine it on the keyboard (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) was funny, Quiana said he (Clay) sang a low D, Ben played it, and Mr. Competitive said "No, I can go lower than that"...and proceeded to demonstrate! The conclusion was, he and Quiana sing in an almost identical range!!

All this time, he's signing away as Mary is handing him things...and I'm thinking I won't be able to get my question in, which I really wanted to know (I don't interrupt people)...but there was an opportunity at that point, and so I asked him about the process for booking venues when he has a tour. I said my understanding was that he (I meant Team Clay, not HIM) sold his tour to the venues, and those that "bought" and TC then dickered out dates etc. He got all excited (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) and said "I will answer that for you on the condition that you get it out there to every board you can!" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin2.gif) He said he's definitely tired of hearing the complaints about never coming here, never coming there...when there is NOTHING he can do about it...he has NOTHING to do with it.

So...the process is, as I remember it:

1. They decide they would like to tour; they don't really put many restrictions on that, not even a time frame particularly, although he says they may say something like "sometime in the Spring" or "preferably the Fall".

2. The management company contacts CAA, who is their agent.

3. CAA deals with the promoters. A promoter deals with a group of venues, or occasionally one or two venues...most promoters have a huge group of venues they deal with. This tour was purchased by only two promoters, who worked with all the venues involved. This tour was also slightly different because of the PBS involvement....interestingly, when saying this, he said "or not!" under his breath!

4. The promoter knows he can get X venue on e.g. June 22nd, and that the venue would likely be an appropriate location. The promoter works out their costs, and then makes Team Clay an offer to play at the venue (through CAA) for X amount of dollars. Team Clay then accepts or declines the offer. He says sometimes they receive several offers through several promoters to play in the same location, essentially (ie, the same general physical area, not the same venue) and then of course he will choose the best offer.

5. Before anyone really asked (he knows us!!), he mentioned that if we wanted to get together, pool our $ and have him play somewhere...that that wouldn't really work. The promoters will only deal with an agent they are familiar with (in this case, CAA). In my head (although he didn't say this), I likened it to my going into Walmart and asking the jewelry clerk if they would sell my jewelry in the store....that's just not how it's done, and there is a whole tier of people (wholesalers or in his case the agent) who are involved in facilitating the processes.

6. He has NO SAY (he repeated this several times) where, when, how often he plays in a particular area.

It was a fairly lengthy, and to me really interesting conversation; he's very much the teacher, and I enjoyed being taught! And he's very anxious for everyone to know.....

And that was about it I think !

Picture time....Mary took the pictures; we got the instructions....he says every group but one (and us!) has messed it up. I think they do because I know, being at the end of the line, I couldn't hear a word soft-voiced Mary said as far as instructions were it was a case of follow-the-leader and hope for the best! Mary has it down pat, step in, she says 1...2...3...and then "flash".
I have no clue if I was leaning in, wrapped around him, standing on my own, looking like a goof or what!! I guess we'll see at some point!

That Aiken fog is heavy-duty stuff!

The concert was WONderful, as you all know....and our centre Row A pit seats were the best EVER!

Special, special thanks to my wonderful know who you are!!



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« Reply #97 on: March 09, 2011, 08:29:01 AM »

You asked the question first so I wanted you to post what you asked. Lori is an accountant and I'm a financial analyst so we were going both were asking the same kind of questions!

She started to ask him about a game? or app? on the Ipad, which he said he didn't know...and then he said he was happy to talk technology, but did we really want to "waste our time" on that...

The person asked about Angry birds, and Jerome knew what it was. Clay said Angry birds is banned...but did not elaborate..kind of a smirk on his face.

6. He has NO SAY (he repeated this several times) where, when, how often he plays in a particular area.

To add to this, the promoters come to him with bids, they do not go to the venues to bid. For example he wouldn't go to Des Moines, IA to ask if he could play at our Civic Center. the Civic Center's promoter would have to respond to their interest to have a tour this spring. Clay's company then accepts the offers. One person had asked how do we get you to come to our towns. He indicated you have to go the promoter, going to the venue is of no use.

If there had been time I would have asked what happens when you feel a venue(s) were not promoted well, do not not work with them again or how does that work?

I did ask about his range, I was careful not to ask just "range" and then he'd say 2 octaves, I was curious in the highest and lowest note.

I did say you have said you are a bit of a control freak, how much control do you keep on a tour and what do you defer? (If he gave me grief on that, I would have said, I am also that's why I asked). He looked at Mary and said that Mary has been with him a long time and does a great job. I said, well better example would be you have new musicians this tour, how are they chosen? He said that Quiana brought him Casey and Adam played with her. Felix brought in Del. But they audition for him and he makes the final decision. And I said then final decisions are with you, and he said yes.

I also asked about whether he signed his own checks and I mispoke and said you said, when I meant to say Oprah had said, do you follow this? He said no, but indicated he had a business manager. His answer really didn't concern me as he sure seems to have his fingers in everything. He was talking about the promoters give bids and then he has to pay his people, hotels, food, travel and all, he knows exactly what all goes into the process. I believe he very carefully watches what is happening. Remember Clay bought his own condo when he was in college and rented to roommates. I bet he made money or broke even. That is a careful, intelligent young man.

For the pictures, when I got up (I was 3rd) I said well this is just like church and someone else was saying like communion. Mary laughed. Jerome put us in the 3rd row so we'd have better light he said and we just then filed down the 4th row and back around to our seats in the 3rd row. Clay was soo impressed that we got it right. He said that someone always gets out of order and something goes wrong .

He also answered again that he prefers the smaller venues. His comments made it click to me that the venues contact him so they must have thought they could fill all the seats, his team wasn't choosing what size to target. It just doesn't make any sense to me that they didn't promote until the majority of seats were sold. You would think that would be a large part of the job. But Clay had indicated prior that promotion is not in his hands.

He looked great in a light grey Rutgers hoodie, green/khaki shorts and tennis shoes. He was definitely in control of the M&G but made you feel at home and looked right at you once he had completed signing everything. I was so happy we all finally got the chance for this. Thank you Clay! 

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