If you come into the possession of any information concerning pictures, articles, or print media of any kind concerning Clay which is not yet available to the general public, you are free to post it.
However, please do so in a separate thread in either the main forum, Clay Daily, or the News & Appearance forum. Please clearly mark in the subject line "Spoiler Inside!" or some such notation.
We all want to know everything Clay is doing in his career and humanitarian endeavors, but please be aware there are fans who do not wish to be spoiled prior to having the information in official form or in their own possession.
The same guidelines apply in our Fun Stuff forum. There you will find threads about books, movies and TV. Please do not post proprietary information about any books, movies or TV in any thread not clearly marked as a SPOILER thread.
We are not prohibiting anyone from posting this information, we are simply asking that you post it in a way that our members can make an informed choice as to whether or not they want to read it at that time.
Thank you for being considerate of your fellow Claymaniacs!