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Author Topic: Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat RECAPS, PICTURES  (Read 83707 times)


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Re: Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat RECAPS, PICTURES
« Reply #270 on: September 02, 2013, 10:38:12 PM »
Sep 2 2013,

I'm trying to work sporadically on my Maine photos. I was so happy to be able to travel to Maine this summer. It was the only New England state I had not visited, and it is now BY FAR one of my favorite places in the world. It had been on my bucket list for some time, but one of the reasons I had friends to travel there with was because Clay Aiken was there starring in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Thank Heaven for Frequent Flyer miles!!! The play was SO awesome, Clay was awesome, the whole cast was awesome, Ogunquit was was just one of the best trips ever!!!

So, I had already heard that Clay came out to the stage door after every performance to sign autographs and greet the fans. I collect "character" bears, and had been given a "Joseph" bear a while back. The perfect thing to take for him to sign!!! We were going to more than one performance, but the first night i couldn't get anywhere close to the front of the barricades through the mob outside, but my friend zakaroni got a signature. The next night I did better, but zakaroni got right in front, pulled me up into her spot, held my purse, and shoved me forward at just the right time!

Several of the cast members had commented on the bear, but when Clay got there he was more concerned about the logistics of how to sign it. I was trying to stretch out one of the panels of the coat, and he was trying to help me hold it, so we were holding hands for a while. lol

He finally got it signed, but he took a very critical look at it and pronounced it unacceptable. So, he picked up the opposite panel and signed that one as well. When he looked at it, he said "That'll do!" and then moved on.

My friend artquest was trying to get video of this encounter, but someone stepped in front of her at the last moment, however I saw a picture that another fan posted, and there I am holding the bear. He signed it right after that shot was taken.

So, I loved every single thing about Maine (except the heat while I was there). I got to travel with some dear friends, and while I was there I saw probably 100 friends I have made over the years who had come from as far as Brazil and New Zealand. I got to see a great show with the most amazing cast ever. I took lots of wonderful pictures and ate a lot of GREAT food. I'm looking forward to another trip, because I definitely want to go back there with my husband. And, I have a very unique souvenir.

And that's what I did this summer!!!

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