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Author Topic: EPISODE 8- AD HAWK- 4/8/12  (Read 7585 times)


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EPISODE 8- AD HAWK- 4/8/12
« on: April 29, 2012, 02:12:45 AM »
Ad Hawk

The teams must produce a 60-second commercial for


The Apprentice Episode: "Ad Hawk"
Season 12, Episode 8

Episode Synopsis: Fallout from a previous boardroom session results in one celebrity launching an emotional tirade and another one going missing. As for the challenge, the players must write, direct and produce a 60-second commercial for an entertainment Web site. Original Air Date: Apr 8, 2012


« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 12:20:23 AM by Marilyn »


  • ANN News Team
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Re: EPISODE 8- AD HAWK- 4/8/12
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 02:14:30 AM »


« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 12:20:57 AM by Marilyn »


  • ANN News Team
  • Claymaniac
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Re: EPISODE 8- AD HAWK- 4/8/12
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2012, 12:24:47 AM »
Clay's TCA Live Tweets

•Here we go! 2nites #classyclaymoment has something 2 do w/the zipper on my computer bag. When u c it, text CLAY to 50555 for @includingkids

•That's sorta mean, but I also LOL'd at it ;-) RT @mbsmith444: @clayaiken @ArsenioOFFICIAL looking forward 2 more tears from Aubrey STANK ASS

•My TV is "bleeping" so much from @lisalampanelli that I feel like it may be a test of the Emergency Broadcast System! ha ha ;-)

•I do love her personally. Give her some time. RT @Laura_ex0: @clayaiken did like @lisalampanelli ! Now I don't what a bitch! Lol

•Does anyone else notice how @ArsenioOFFICIAL pronounces Walgreens? he says "wall-grens" Does anyone else say it like that?

•Glad @aubreyoday is standing up against bullying. Let's hope she can make it through episode without being mean to anyone! ;-) Place ur bets

•EVITA!!! Was that some clever product placement by @lisalampanelli for the B'way production? LOL

•"jew-DEE-chay!" @teresaguidice RT @KrisCousins: @clayaiken I just want you to yell "GIUDICE" again. Haha

•Glad that apology was so well accepted! At least one person in that conversation was being sincere! @ArsenioOFFICIAL

•I've never had it, but the women I know claim that it is awfu! ;-) RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: What do you think of the PMs?

•Given the quote on ur profile page, I certainly appreciate that u r talking bout me! RT @brenda_wharton: @clayaiken you are a hating douche.

•No matter how much I try, the red in my hair can NOT be covered up for long!

•U make me feel old! RT @Briannaxo52: @clayaiken I'm rooting for u! I've been a fan since I was 7. Now, I'm almost 16 & still loving u!

•We need 2 do better. Don't return fire!! RT @Rainagirl2: @clayaiken LOL these Aubrey fans.

•The actress in Forte's commercial was brilliant! She's gonna be very successful!

•A 360 degree turn around?! Really? ;-)

•Well… so much for not saying anything bad about anyone this episode. I thought @teresagiudice did a great job. Shame that Aubrey didn't. :-(

•Very talented RT @buckhollywood: @clayaiken she is. Her name is @gracehelbig - she is a big deal.

•#classyclaymoment .. coming up!

•Trump loved you too! Even commented on you! RT @gracehelbig: @clayaiken @buckhollywood ah! thanks!

•There it is! So classy. Text CLAY to 50555 and donate $10 to @includingkids

•Touche' ha ha RT @nealcampbell: .@clayaiken there's photographic evidence that her biggest talent is NOT covering her ass.

•:-( But, yes.. their's was good! RT @that_tara_girl: @clayaiken yeah Forte totally won that. #sorryclay

•How is "I would throw her through that wall" considered an "honest opinion"? #celebapprentice

•STRESS!! RT @JessieMcV123: @clayaiken you're looking skinner every week on #celebrityapprentice #keepitup

•Lord! I'm greasy tonight! It's soooo hot in that boardroom!!

•They turn it off while taping b/c of the sound! :-/ RT @Flower_Belle: There's no A/C in the boardroom??

•A LOT. One for each of us plus some. All of them behind two-way mirrors! RT @movi_boni: How many cameras are shooting in the boardroom?

•#HOLLA -- Thanks @OCChoppers !!

•No. She's intelligent! RT @RickAus: @clayaiken is ivanka sexist? She criticized Aubrey!

•Nothing scripted. Shot straight thru RT @blondexambition: @clayaiken do they have multiple takes for the boardroom scene ?

•Be sure to catch my blog on tonight after the show airs on the west coast!

•It depends. They can go for hours! RT @Ryinthehottub: @clayaiken how long do they shoot the boardroom for?

•Who do you think won this week's task? #celebapprentice

•Lovely! Really! RT @MsLeendah: @clayaiken how is @lisalampanelli away from the cameras? She just seems so mean spirited...

•NO! Sadly, no. :-( RT @JaneShaffmaster: after some1s fired, does the gang get to say goodbye b4 they get driven away?

•We're told where 2 sit RT @ALSxo: @clayaiken why do u always sit on the end n the boardroom? assignedseats or luckyseat ?

•Poor thing! ;-) RT @allclaylong: My hubby thinks Forte won :-( RT @clayaiken: Who do you think won this week's task? #celebapprentice

•NO. Blech!! RT @LettieMN: @clayaiken Did you drink some champagne or did you pour it for others?

•She nvr talks behind some1s back! She is authentic! RT @ChandraMJordan:@lisalampanelli is lovely outside the show, what about ON the show?

•More like three day!! ha ha RT @briancyrart: @clayaiken Like the five o'clock shadow...

•NBC posts it for me after the show airs. So best to look tomorrow morning. RT @elkinJD: What time do u post ur blog? @clayaiken

•I have so much respect for @louferrigno for conquering a challenge such as this show while only reading lips! Inspired!!

•Thanks for watching. Be sure 2 catch preview 4 next week. It is by far one of my FAVORITE episodes of the season!

•Yes! :-( Almost made me cry! RT @PirateLiz: OH NO?! Did they break up @ArsenioOFFICIAL and @clayaiken next week?! BESTIES. NO!!!


  • ANN News Team
  • Claymaniac
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Re: EPISODE 8- AD HAWK- 4/8/12
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2012, 02:10:06 AM »
Week 9
Posted By Clay Aiken
April 8, 2012 11:00 PM
After last week's drama, it was hard to imagine that this week's episode could rise to the same level of entertainment... but wrong I was!

The show starts off with the "fallout" from the preceding week. Arsenio is still venting about his rift with Aubrey in the Unanimous war room when Lisa walks in and gets upset at him for his name-calling towards Aubrey. It's sorta one of the most ironic moments in my recollection of my time on the show, because almost immediately after yelling at Arsenio for making things personal and calling people names, Lou and Dayana return to the room (allowing us to realize that Dee had been fired). Lisa turned on a dime from chastising Arsenio for name-calling and began right away calling Lou and Dayana "brain-deads" and "losers"... pretty darn funny, if you ask me.

The next day we find out that our task will be to create a commercial for, the coupon and savings company. When asked for project managers, Unanimous agrees that Teresa may be in the best position to hold the fractious team together. On Forte, before the team can even huddle to decide on the leader, Dayana pipes up and tells Mr. Trump that she will be project manager. This prompts Lisa to give us one of her several gems of the night... "Evita over here decides she is gonna be project manager. Well, I'll cry for you Argentina, because you're gonna lose this task." I'm not sure if that's sorta racist or not, but it was sorta funny.

Aubrey and Arsenio kick-start the task with a "heart to heart" to try to make up from the last week's fight. It's really hard to tell if there is any sincerity from Aubrey during the conversation, but thankfully right after the conversation is over, Aubrey clears up any confusion for us. "Arsenio apologized, but do I like him? No. Will I ever really like him again? Probably not." ...Good to see that conversation worked! :-/ Ha ha.

Over on Forte, Dayana is really taking charge and has decided to show the product as a catalyst moving a relationship forward - using actors to show a couple progressing through their relationship using the savings from the coupons. Dayana certainly is adorable in her interviews, and she really has a grasp on this task. Lisa even chimes in to say that Dayana seems to be a lot more bearable when she is in charge. (I'm not sure if that's because Lisa doesn't wanna piss Dayana off in case they lose and Dayana wants to bring her back to the Boardroom, but if it is... it works for them this week.)

Unanimous decided to use two of the members of the team to portray a father clipping coupons and overhearing something tawdry-sounding in his daughter's bedroom. Using double entendre, we made it seem that something was happening in the room between the daughter and her boyfriend, but when the father busts into the room, he finds that they are just using the online app.

With Penn gone for the day and Dayana and Lisa clearly in charge of the video shoot, Lou tries desperately to find a purpose for himself. When the task requires fewer hands/minds than are available, sometimes folks get lost. When this happens, in attempts to keep themselves from potentially being fired, the left-out party might end up presenting opinions that really don't fit with the concept or have a place in the project. This happens with Lou. He wasn't really needed for the project, yet he wanted to chime in to feel included and he got ignored. Unfortunately, the one task that Dayana did give to Lou (creating signs and emailing them to the printer), he was unable to do on his own because he wasn't sure of how to use the computer.

Things on Unanimous were far more collegial. Paul had sacrificed himself and allowed us to transform him into a stiff, fatherly figure. It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. Paul being dressed like a nerd is the equivalent of me being dressed like Marilyn Manson. It's just a complete 180! He was a real sport about it all!

If there was a theme to this episode, it might have been HYPOCRISY!

In addition to Aubrey's feigned attempt at making peace with Arsenio, she also goes after Teresa behind her back in interviews. Though she was supportive of Teresa's directing ability during the shoot, she makes fun of her directing ability in interviews even calling her a "Muppet baby" and saying "people put their hands on her back and tell her what to do and where to go." (Can we talk for a second about how Aubrey is playing for a charity that she says uses her as a spokesperson speaking out against bullying, yet it seems that Aubrey RARELY says anything about anyone else that couldn't be construed as a low blow or bullying itself!?!?!)

Plus... During Forte's editing session, Lou tells Dayana directly that he likes their commercial and that if he didn't love it he would tell her... and then IMMEDIATELY the shot cuts to Lou in interview saying "I didn't like our commercial."

The producers of the show do try to get folks to talk about certain things in these interviews, but they NEVER put words into anyone's mouth. Everyone chooses what to say on his or her own. These two are great examples of why you really have to stay true to what you think and how you feel at all times, because the camera never lies... and if you say one thing at one time and then a different thing later, it will come back to bite you in the butt!

In the Boardroom, the Unanimous team is pretty good at sticking together as a cohesive group and supporting each other.

Forte, on the other hand, has it out for Lou. Dayana stays as classy as possible but admits that Lou is her weak player. Dayana barely needs to say anything because Lisa goes after Lou in her classic Lisa way. When Lou makes a completely classless threat towards Lisa saying "Lisa is lucky she isn't a man because I would throw her through that wall," Lisa responds with the line of the season thus far: "Get ready for an elevator ride, Lou." Ha ha.

When Unanimous wins and Dayana has to choose two people to come back to the Boardroom, I am surprised that she gives Penn a "pass" given that he was absent for so much of the task. But, maybe it was strategic choice. Having Lisa in the Boardroom to support her against Lou was probably a pretty good tactic. I love Lou, but his arguments are barely coherent and really show his desperation to stay in the task. Yet, they don't seem to connect because Mr. Trump doesn't buy them, and he fires Lou. After being fired, Lou makes a desperate plea saying, "Take it back. I don't wanna be fired." I gotta say, it's an interesting tactic, and if Mr. Trump had taken it as determination, I wouldn't have been surprised... But it doesn't work. Lou takes that elevator ride as Lisa predicted!

Next week brings another twist and split that I'm not that happy about! And, if you think you've seen shouting and tears in previous episodes... you ain't seen NOTHING like what happens next week. I think Lisa bursts a blood vessel, and Dayana is even hotter when she cries!!

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